Grab Flex
Grab, the Southeast Asia's leading super app which provides everyday services like deliveries, financial services, and more, was in need of a campaign to show off its various built-in payment and financing options. Grab offers maximum financial flexibility and so this campaign visually builds on the idea of payments 'flexing around you'. After pitching the look and feel to the client and feeding visual concepts into the shoot teams and 3D artist, I've developed several campaign assets including print ads, social posts and banners as well as a comprehensive tool kit document to pass on to the Grab in-house team in order to produce further design assets.
Art Direction | Design
Out of home and magazine ads were created to raise awareness about Grab's financial options.
Social assets featuring posts and carousels were created using the campaign key visuals.
A comprehensive tool kit document was created to pass on to the Grab in-house team in order to produce further design assets.